HERBERT HANDLER III is a timid accountant with smudged lenses who dreams of a life free from spreadsheets -- and free from his tyrannical boss, MR. MCGIVER. But he can’t just quit! Accounting was his deceased father’s chosen profession, and what was good enough for his dad should be good enough for him! If only he had the courage to live life on his own terms, like his boss’ cute son, Theo...
MARNEE MCDOUGAL, isn't sure how she came to manage an office full of hapless accountants, but not much of her life has gone according to plan. Granted, dropping out of art school to get married may have been her choice, but ending up a divorcée before the age of 30 certainly wasn’t. If she were to listen to her meddlesome mother, she’d have to put herself back out there. But that is terrifying, and so, for now, she is content to play cupid for her best friend Theo -- who one day will appreciate her efforts!
THEO MCGIVER just landed a publisher for his first solo comic book. If only his dad were proud of him -- but no amount of success will change the fact that Mr. McGiver wanted his son to grow up to be an accountant, not someone who draws “cartoons.” Still, Theo is living life on his own terms, which seems like it should count for something. Now if only his best friend would stop trying to set him up with her colleague with the smudged lenses, who’s probably just a clone of his father.
Herbert, Marnee and Theo seem destined to remain mired in the monotony, until a chance encounter with a peanut butter and honey sandwich forces Herbert to reappraise his brown bag existence, Marnee to reassess her priorities, and Theo to reconsider whether Herbert might be more than just another cog in his father's machine.